Tuesday, August 3, 2010

I less than three Metro Vancouver

Can't quite believe it's been since May that I've posted. The few of you still checking my RSS feed, goodness, you're optimistic, or family.

However, as I was carrying the baby to the garage where we do our laundry, and thinking about our landlords who live in the rest of our house with their extended family, I realize that the lifestyle change that was part of the motivation, hasn't entirely taken place.

Yes, I can now drive to see my parents and siblings in between four and six hours, assuming light traffic. However, the six hour trip is ridiculously expensive with the cost of the ferries we have to take. The drive isn't too bad - I haven't done the math on the gas but it's much less than what we're blowing on the ferries.

But somehow I had this vision of having people around us when we got here. We'd maybe not be dropping in distance from family, but we would be close to friends.

What friends? I've seen them once or twice each. I'm too busy/tired/cranky to return their call/email. Apparently they are in the same boat.

And holy cats, four hours in the car with the baby sucks balls. And while yes I can walk to work, I'm still spending 1.5 hours every day dropping off and picking up the baby from daycare. In the car. Yucko.

It's been rather disappointing. I'm responsible for daycare drop off and pick up, meaning I have to go back to (telecommuting) work in the evenings after the baby is asleep.

Weekends I'm so exhausted I can't think, and I sleep as long as the baby lets me.

I was not this tired all the time in DC. I made a fuckload lot more money. Here, if DH isn't working, we're screwed in under a month.

This climate is nice, and it's nice being closer to family. I know that it usually ends up being ok but right now, I feel like this move has been a huge mistake.

So the draft blog posts will go on as drafts until someone issues me less need for sleep.


JODI said...

hey carolyn~

sorry to hear the adjustment has been hard and not quite what you imagined... you haven't missed much here besides VERY warm weather, so that's one good thing at least...

i'm sure things will turn-around soon, so keep your chin-up... :)

Eric said...

I 2nd my wife - Chin Up Dear Carolyn!

We miss you and it'll get bettah soon, I'm sure.

Positive vibes heading your way!


CaroLyn said...

Aw, thanks you guys. Today was another difficult day but better, in that I got a bit of good financial news and some exercise. Both help the outlook!

CaroLyn said...

And I miss you all in DC like all get out. It's been a bit too hot here too.

Unknown said...

...or we have your site on our RSS feed in Google Reader...

And I send many hugs your way!