Sunday, June 21, 2009

34 weeks pregnant belly photo

Originally uploaded by xxcaro
DH was kind enough to snap this last week but it's taken me this long to get my round tuit up and running to post the darn thing. Can you believe it? Ah well. I thought when I finished school, I'd have all this free time to relax, and blog, and read, and study the hypnobabies course. And I find myself flopping on the sofa when I get home from work and vegematating with my feet up.

And nesting. There's definitely some nesting going on: washing all the clothes and blankies we've been given, organizing space for it all, cleaning the apartment a little, etc.


Unknown said...

Dude, that kid is about to pop! Do I see a little head poking out around your belly button??? :)

CaroLyn said...

No doubt eh? Another couple weeks and it'll be any time now. Due date is July 26, and of course that's plus or minus two weeks and still considered healthy.

Shannon McFerran said...

Holy Hannah, you're so close! Man, that went by fast.

CaroLyn said...

Shannon - I know! So much of it was when I was in school, and now I'm done school but so huge and slow. Ah well, she's good and healthy and bouncing around in there...